Zen Zone

I tried to find a “Before” picture of this aspect of the house, but I don’t seem to have one!

There used to be a garden bed here, but without constant watering the plants failed to thrive. It was completely undercover from the verandah roof and never benefited from the rain, plus I couldn’t justify watering it everyday just to keep the plants alive . . . So we dug it up!

And . . . After two days of seriously hard yakka, we have a “Zen Zone”!

We used some leftover recycled railway sleepers (which were ridiculously heavy) and dug each one in individually, to achieve a flat and usable surface! This new space is situated directly out our bedroom door and is shaded in the morning and late afternoon.



Not pictured is a beautiful wind chime I received for Christmas, which suits this space so well and adds the most blissfully meditative sounds to an already very relaxing space.

I have ordered a second hanging chair to go where the sun lounger is, so Max and I can literally “hang out” together in our new Zen Zone!  >.<

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