Herb Garden Update . . .

Three months ago, we moved an old veggie garden (see post November 25th, 2018) and it is now a happy and healthy herb garden!

The new location has proved to be much better for sun/shade/rain. With the added benefits of some locally sourced pig-poo compost, (suggested by Mum) which has done the trick and the rosemary in particular is absolutely thriving and has tripled in size since I transplanted it into this garden bed back in November.

Max and I have been enjoying using the fresh herbs in our cooking, eating freshly picked homegrown tomatoes (that actually TASTE like real tomatoes) and the most deliciously sweet strawberries!

The possums have also been attempting to savour our harvest . . . hence the wire guards around the tomatoes and strawberries . . .





We are currently revamping our old BBQ stand, which we hope to move into a new location near the new garden bed . . . So watch this space for update No.3!

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