Max and I recently undertook the tedious task of removing all the ugly retro tiles from the guest master ensuite . . . Not a fun task I can assure you! It was loud, dusty and took forever. Not to mention the pain! Crouching down, hunched over for any period of time is uncomfortable, but dong it for hours at a time is literally back breaking work!

First, we need some tools! We used an Ox Brick Bolster/Chisel, a Claw Hammer, a sledge hammer & some medical scrubs Max got for his 21st birthday!

File 27-9-17, 3 07 23 pm

File 27-9-17, 3 07 56 pm

File 27-9-17, 3 08 35 pm

We successfully removed all the tiles from the bathroom floor and walls including the shower base and walls. Now all that is left to remove is the old loo, sinks and cabinets! Then the fun of putting it all back together begins!

I am hoping to have a go at tiling the bathroom floor, walls and shower myself . . . Wish me luck!  >.<

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