Another Tree Bites the Dust….

So at the same time our beautiful new baby chicks were hatching, we found out that the remaining huge tree in our back yard, was dangerously close to splitting completely in half… In the direct line of our house – Over the top of Max & my bedroom!


Whilst tidying up the chook yard, Max had discovered a massive, MASSIVE hole/split in the trunk of the beautiful old tree. On further inspection, we noticed that the section facing the house had a bit of a lean to it…. So we immediately called a family friend (a retired arbourist) – who removed a diseased tree in our back yard for us back in September 2017. He took one look at it on Good Friday and said it needed to be felled right away (as in like yesterday…!) as it was very unstable and could fall at any time.

8am Easter Monday Steve & his wife Lisa arrived as did both our sets of parents and by 5:30pm we no longer had a beautiful, old, shady tree in the backyard. I cried a lot!

It was a long, sweaty, emotionally challenging day… But we are very thankful for fabulous friends and family who all chipped in to help us clean up the massive mess and immense amount of timber left over once a tree is felled. Firewood for daaaaayyyyyssss!








We have also lost all privacy from our neighbours…. YAY… NOT!



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