A little bit of “House Warming!”

When Max and I purchased this, our first home, we did so knowing that the main source of heating was underfloor. Which has 30+ year old technology and would cost an absolute fortune to run!

We had been relying on a $20 Target (tarjaaay) electric heater, dragging it from room to room to keep ourselves warm! But….. We now have a fancy new split system air-con/heater in our lounge room! YAY! Warmth at the touch of a button!

See below for before and after photos of our lounge room transformation. Still a lot to do, but it is getting there!


Living Room



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Installation of the new split system!



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We have painted the brick white and will be painting the large expanse of brick to the left, white as well. The last of the brick painting!!!

Once the painting is finished and the flooring replaced, this room will be complete!

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